Studyofthep ~ d → n{pp} s charge-exchangereactionusingapolarised deuteriumtarget

The vector and tensor analysing powers, Ay and Ayy, of the p~ d ! n{pp}s charge-exchange reaction have been measured at a beam energy of 600 MeV at the COSY-ANKE facility by using an unpolarised proton beam incident on an internal storage cell target filled with polarised deuterium gas. The low energy recoiling protons were measured in a pair of silicon tracking telescopes placed on either side of the target. Putting a cut of 3 MeV on the diproton excitation energy ensured that the two protons were dominantly in the 1 S0 state, here denoted by {pp}s. The polarisation of the deuterium gas was established through measurements in parallel of proton-deuteron elastic scattering. By analysing events where both protons entered the same telescope, the charge-exchange reaction was measured for momentum transfers q � 160 MeV/c. These data provide a good continuation of the earlier results at q � 140 MeV/c obtained with a polarised deuteron beam. They are also consistent with impulse approximation predictions with little sign evident for any modifications due to multiple scatterings.
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