Optimizing methods to isolate melanopsin-directed responses.

The intrinsic melanopsin photoresponse may initiate visual signals that differ in spatiotemporal characteristics from the cone-opsin- and rhodopsin-mediated signals. Applying the CIE standard observer functions in silent-substitution methods can require individual differences in photoreceptor spectral sensitivities and pre-receptoral filtering to be corrected; failure to do so can lead to the intrusion of more sensitive cone processes with putative melanopsin-directed stimuli. Here we evaluate heterochromatic flicker photometry (HFP) and photoreceptor-directed temporal white noise as techniques to limit the effect of these individual differences. Individualized luminous efficiency functions (V(λ)) were compared to the CIE standard observer functions. We show that adapting chromaticities used in silent-substitution methods can deviate by up to 54% in luminance when estimated with the individual and standard observer functions. These deviations lead to inadvertent cone intrusions in the visual functions measured with melanopsin-directed stimuli. To eliminate the intrusions, individual HFP corrections are sufficient at low frequencies (∼1Hz) but temporal white noise is also required at higher frequencies to desensitize penumbral cones. We therefore recommend the selective application of individualized observer calibration and/or temporal white noise in silent-substitution paradigms when studying melanopsin-directed photoresponses.
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