Production enterprises as a Colombian-Ecuadorian border reincorporation strategy in the conflict

The aim is to discuss production enterprises as facilitators of the reincorporation process in the post-Colombian-Ecuadorian border agreement. This descriptive research has a quantitative approach and an empirical, analytical method. The data collection instrument is the survey with a sample of 128 reincorporated ex-combatants located in Tallambi, Narino, on the Colombian-Ecuadorian border. Some results are related to the characterization of the reincorporated ex-combatant in Tallambi, Colombia. Most of them are young people between 26 and 30 years old, of productive age, willing to receive training and consider entrepreneurial proposals to improve their quality of life with the support of the two governments, institutions, and the international community. This study can benefit economic and administrative sciences, such as management and economics, and humanities, such as law. It is vital due to the urgency of proposing development alternatives for reincorporating ex-members of the insurgent group Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC, for its acronym in Spanish) into society under the Peace Accords signed in 2016. It is also relevant for victims and territories adversely affected by the conflict on the Colombo-Ecuadorian border and other countries with this type of issue.
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