Mobile Application Usability Testing in Quasi-Real Conditions - the Synergy of Using Different Methods

The article presents the methodology applied and the results of the usability tests of a mobile application for controlling access to rooms using a smartphone. In the studies with the involvement of potential users, the user testing method was used to evaluate the most frequently used functionalities of the application in quasi-real conditions. The quasi-real conditions were reproduced in a controlled manner in the laboratory. The results of the research were obtained through the recording of user activities using the concurrent think-aloud protocol and mobile eye tracker followed by the individual in-depth interview and paper-based questionnaire. The data obtained with concurrent think-aloud protocol and eye tracking was analysed by usability experts. The final results of the research are a derivative of the analysis of the results of all methods and use the synergy effect. The article also presents a list of diagnosed application's usability problems, classification of their severity and recommendations on how to remove them.
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