Hastane Atıksularında Makro ve Mikro Kirleticiler ve Arıtma Seçenekleri / Macro and Micro Pollutants and Treatment Options in Hospital Wastewaters

OZET Hastane atiksulari laboratuarlar, arastirma birimleri, ameliyathaneler, poliklinikler ve ilac kullanimi gibi pek cok kaynaktan gelen makro ve mikro kirleticileri icermekted ir. Tedavi ve sterilizasyon amaciyla kullanilan kimyasal maddeler, farmasotikler ve kisisel bakim urunleri (PPCP’ler), solventler, radyonukleidler, endokrin bozucular, dezenfektanlar ve agir metaller hastaneler yoluyla kanalizasyon sistemlerine karismaktad irlar. Bu tur mikro kirleticileri atiksulardan gidermek icin konvansiyonel atiksu aritma sistemleri yetersiz oldugundan ileri aritma sistemlerine ihtiyac duyulmaktadir. Ozellikle PPCP’ lerin gideriminde adsorpsiyon ve iyon degistirme gibi kimyasal yontemle rin yani sira ileri oksidasyon prosesleri ile membran filtrasyon prosesleri gelecek vaat etmektedir. Yuksek organik madde gideriminin yani sira aritimi zor olan atiklara uygulanabilmesi, dusuk camur uretimi, cikis suyunun yuksek kalitede dezenfeksiyonu ve dusuk alan ihtiyaci membran proseslerinin onemli avantajlaridir. Bu calismada oncelikli olarak yogun bir kirlilik yukune sahip hastanelerde cesitli kaynaklardan olusan atiksularin genel ozellikleri ile hastane atiksularinda makro ve mikro kirletici grupla ri ayrintili bir sekilde ele alinmistir. Hastane atiksulari ve kentsel atiksular bu kirleticiler yonunden karsilastirilmistir. Hastane atiksulari, kentsel atiksulara gore ozellikle mikro kirleticiler yonunden daha kompleks atiksulardir. Hastane atiksularin da bulunan makro ve mikro kirleticilerin giderimi icin literaturdeki aritma secenekleri ve bunlarin etkinlikleri de bu calismada yer almaktadir. ABSTRACT Hospital wastewaters include macro and micro pollutants originated from many source that are laboratories, research units, operating rooms, clinics and drug use. Chemicals used f or the treatment and sterilization, pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs), solvents, radionuclides, endocrine disruptors, disinfectants and heavy metals are discharged to the sewage systems through hospitals. This type of micro pollutants to r emoval from wastewaters advanced wastewater treatment systems are needed that conventional wastewater treatment systems are inadequate. In addition to chemical procedures such as adsorption and ion exchange, advanced oxidation and membrane filtration proce sses have great promise for the removal of especially PPCPs. In addition to high removal of organic matter, the possibility of applicability to difficult wastes, low sludge production, high quality disinfection of effluent and less working space requiremen t are among the advantages of membrane processes. In this study as a priority, in hospitals which have a heavy pollution load, groups of macro and micro pollutants in hospital wastewaters with general characteristics of wastewaters consisting of a variety of sources is discussed in detail. Hospital wastewaters and urban wastewaters were compared in terms of these pollutants. Hospital wastewaters especially in terms of micro pollutants are more complex wastewaters than urban wastewaters. For the removal of macro and micro pollutants in hospital wastewaters treatment options and their implications in the literature are also included in this study.
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