Прогнозная оценка потерь сельхозпроизводства Нижегородской области от предполагаемого подъема уровня водохранилища Чебоксарской ГЭС

The article describes the results of calculating losses of agricultural production n Nizhny Novgorod region, a territory which, subject to raising the level of the water in the Cheboksary water reservoir to the level of 68 m, will be partly in a zone of flooding. These include direct losses to land owners in the year the negative anthropogenic impact; lost profits from infringement of agricultural production, due to the qualitative changes in the soils and violations to crop rotation; the cost of biological recultivation of moderately and poorly flooded lands; losses from the flooding of a part of the immovable property (warehouses, grain dryers, stockyards, internal roads and other), as well as the costs of restoring the damaged agricultural production on the territories allocated to the holders of rights to land plots in return flooded and heavily flooded lands.
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