Level of physical inactivity and quality of life in overweight female students

Objective: To assess the level of physical inactivity and quality of life in overweight female students in Lahore, Pakistan. Methodology: For this cross sectional study, 213 overweight females were recruited with BMI between 25.0-29.9 while athletic students were excluded. This study was conducted in university of Lahore and was completed in 6 months. Short form 12 questionnaire was used to analyse the quality of life and physical inactivity level. Results: Of 213 overweight female students, mean BMI was 27.42% and 77.0% were moderately limited in their activities, 78.9% were limited in stair climbing, 51.6% due to physical health problems were limited in activities. 77.0% suffered from mild pain during routine activities and 61.0% reported energy levels a good bit of time and 15.0% reported usually. Social activities were affected due to physical and emotional problems in 52.6% and most of the time in 16.0% overweight students. Conclusion: Prevalence of physical inactivity among these students was high especially with difficulty in climbing stairs and walking more than a mile, ultimately reducing their quality of life.
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