Adventive and invasive plant species of natural ecosystems in the Republic of Khakassia

In this study, 56 adventive species have been identified in Khakas flora to date. In terms of the introduction method, xenophytes dominate; this group is composed of 44 species, which is 78.6% of all the adventive species under study. The ergasiophyte group consists of 12 species (21.4%). According to the naturalization degree, we identified three groups: epecophytes, agriophytes, and ephemerophytes. The epecophyte group is in the lead and consists of 21 species (37.5%). The agriophytes are represented by 19 invasive species (33.9%). The ephemerophyte group is composed of 16 species (28.6%). Thus, the ratios of the synanthropic-plant groups defined according to the introduction method and naturalization degree indicate that most of these adventive plants have been introduced unintentionally and successfully established themselves on a territory new to them. The adventive fraction of natural ecosystems in Khakas flora contains 20 species included in the report “The Black Book of the Flora of Siberia” [1].
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