Современные тенденции распространения ВИЧ-инфекции среди беременных женщин и рожденных ими детей

Aim. To study the spread of HIV infection among pregnant women and their children and the assessment of the effectiveness of preventive measures aimed at preventing perinatal transmission of HIV infection. Methods. Analyzed was the statistical data on the incidence of HIV infection among children and women (including pregnant women) for the period 2002-2010 in the Republic of Tatarstan. Results. It was established that the incidence of HIV infection among children tends to have moderate reduction. Maintained is the positive dynamics in chemoprophylaxis of HIV-infected women during pregnancy, childbirth and of their newborns. The main reasons for the lack of chemoprophylaxis are the severity of the pregnant woman"s condition, admittance in the bearing-down period, home child birth, child birth in an ambulance and the females wish to keep her HIV status secret. Conclusions. Despite the rise in births of children with perinatal contact, HIV incidence among children has a favorable trend for a moderate decline, which is a resulted of the positive dynamics in the chemoprophylaxis coverage of women during pregnancy, childbirth and of their their newborns.
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