Ecopasteurian theory of pathology: Apple and Coca cola

portant decisions are the things you decide NOT to do, not what you decide to do. Chronic cola drinking induces metabolic and cardiac alterations. Body weight gain, hypertension, hyperglycemia, hypertriglyceridemia, and a tendency to hypercholesterol-emia were found after chronic consumption of regular (su-crose-sweetened) cola beverage. At that time I was still brain washed into a low-fat diet and was appalled at all the high-fat foods. Now I am appalled at high-carb content of the food. The whole situation is a swamp fever of corporat-ism/crony capitalism combined with "guilds" (the medical and scientific communities) failing in their primary respon-sibilities. The Hippocratic Oath and the scientific method -if honored- could have lead the way. Examination of the state of medicine in the perspec-tive of ecological imperatives and nonanthropocentric met-aphysics prompts a new approach to current problems of health care. Whereas the early half of the 20th century was still an аge of infections diseases, mortality caused by them later declined by 99% and an "epidemic" of chronic nonin-fectious diseases (diseases of civilization) such as athero-sclerosis, cancer, hypertension, diabetes, etc. set in. Vast accumulated data indicate no downtrend in incidence of these diseases despite the implementation of large - scale programmes of multifactor disease prevention. Awareness about the critical situation generates the need to search for conceptual alternatives, new theoretical explanations for this range of global ргоblems that would account for the present - day "drift" of methodological ap-proaches (the dialectio treatment of the problem, "com-plementariness" in N. Bohr's sense, views of P.Feyerab'end, or Einstein's viewpoint emphasizing a free choice of theo-retical postulates. The process of theoretical mastering of factual data has found its expression in a new conception (paradigm) of medicine. Concisely it can be summarized as follows: Disease as the infections process also contains the opposite truth, that of a natural form of self-саге. A set of systemic reactions of the organism describing the develop-ment of infections processes is treated аз realization of the natural "therapentic" mechanisms ("assimilation" of order-ing from the environment) ensuring protection from the development of the diseases of civilization. By bringing the infections ргосеss to pase, the organism fulfils an expedi-ent, system - forming activity essential for its vitality. The morpho - functional structure of the organism requires some periodic "sanitary" procedures conducive to liberating from the "substrate" of modern forms of diseases. Life pro-cess is included into the system of natural laws and is di-rected, organized and structured. Today me know that it were bacteria that hundreds of millions years ago constitut-ed the initial biological system of the Earth. They formed the base upon which the entire complex "network" of the living matter developed. The strategy of wiping infections diseases with time gives rise to its opposite, i.e. the devel-opment of autoimmune and allergic processes underlying the genesis of chronic noninfections diseases. Within this frame of reference the problem of diseases of civilization is a consequence of taking the activity of curbing (negating) the infections reactivity beyond the limits of the admissible. The prime issue is to develop this new strategy of medicine; it is nеcеssагу to elaborate maximum permissible levels of using this sanogenetic natural law. It should be emphasized that we do not negate the strategy of combating diseases, representing threat for life, and risk factors. We imply the need to preserve in a "hu-manized" form sone measure of infections reactivity as a … physiological demand. Pasechnik’concept of disese (ECOPASTEURIAN THEORY OF MODERN PATHOLOGY) aims to impress the general public with an extreme evolutionary perspective on the historical and phylogenetic sources of human disease. The concept distinction lies in the detailing of evolutionary levels or grades of organic life, first defined by increasing cellular complexity and later by specifically hominid evolu-tionary gradations. The causes and correlates of diseases can then be narrowed down to the disruption of adapta-tions occurring at certain levels, and the approach is often (although not always) productive epidemiologically for inferring etiologies. Representation developed by us about prima causa illnesses of a civilization or a modern chronic not infectious pathology (А.V. Pasechnik,1988-2012) it is defined (determined) in the following mainte-nance(contents). Sanogenic the immune potentialities of an organism determining protection against development nosological of forms of illnesses of a civilization and infec-tious immune reactance are additional mechanisms and concepts (in Bohr sense; Niels Bohr's theory of complemen-tarity was an attempt to solve the enormous problems of interpretation) - vis medicatrix naturae. As the immune system cannot react to the by means of reaction to cross microbic structures an organism realizes the participation in regulation of immune function, restrictions of inflamma-tory processes, a antigen-structural homeostasis, preserva-tion of the ecology, regeneration, the control of tumoral process, ageing. THIS work is based on human evolution, and stem-ming from it the perfect adaptation of all species to their natural environment. To sum up, the author believes that solely by close attention to evolutionary principles can we hope to escape the coronary danger (diseases of civilization en toto) menacing each one of us today. Today this ap-proach and it(him) aspect (vis medicatrix naturae, contraria sunt comlementaria) as it is represented, is adequately enough entered in modern lines of a science ("complemen-tarities" in N. Bohr's sense, dissipative structures, entered by Prigozhin or “ the order from chaos ”, dialectics) and are found with the reflection in concepts "programming" in utero the future life and the future illnesses, in "hygienic" idea of genesis an allergic pathology…
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