Morfometri Permukaan Sendi Ossa Metatarsalia Bagian yang Bersendian dengan Ossa Digiti Pedis pada Peranakan Kambing Kacang = Morphometry of Outer Surface of Joints of Ossa Metatarsalia, Part Connecting to Ossa Digiti Pedis of Goats of 'Kacang' Breed

The function of the supporting leg behind the body is supported by a collaboration of goat bones and muscles. The position Osdigitipedis is against ossametatarsalia forming a dorsal angle. This study was conducted to determine the morphoometry of the surface of condylusossarnetatarsalia, the part that has a joint with osdigitipedis of the goat of 'kacang' breed. This study used 16 goat leg bones of goats of kacang breed, consisting of eight bones of left legs and eight of right leg bones regardless of age and gender. Measurements include length and width of the components of the joints . For analysis of parameters correlation was used to look at the relationship and paired test of I student's was used to see the difference of the parameters. The measurement results showed that the length of ondylusmetatarslis and the length of the center line of capituIum osmetatarsale II were longer than that of condylusmetatarsaLs and that of the center line of capitulumos rnetatarsale III . Both same bones, osmetarsale II and III, indicate the length of the center line length of condylusabaxailismetarsalis was longer than that of condylusabaxailismetarsalis. The conclusion is that there was a correlation between the components of the joints showing the development of osmetatarsale II correlates with that of osmetatarsale III , but the comparison between the components showed various conditions. The implications of the results of the study showed growth of the low joints of ossametatarsalia occured on axial line and medial side.
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