Overview of some feedback-&control systems at synchrotron SolEIL

This paper gives an overview of some feedback & control systems at Synchrotron SOLEIL that are in use or in development today. Beam stability is crucial and adressed in all SOLEIL aspects; Fast Orbit Feedback is a multi-input multi-output control system made to stabilize beam position perturbations in the low- & high frequency band. In addition, active RF cavities are used to maintain stable beam energy & spread as well as keeping electron density even throughout the storage ring. Beam stability also comes from feedforward non-linear control in particle trajectory compensation on both sides of electromagnetic undulators. On some beamlines, multi-actuator piezos or pneumatics are used to regulate photon flux to keep within detector operating range; a method to maximize the photon flux while still keeping below detector damage thresholds. Currently in development & at the sample stage level, the Nanoprobe Project collaboration (MAXIV & SOLEIL) focuses on sample stabilization during step- & fly- scans which is realized through multi-axis nano-positioning with high- & low- frequency closed-loop control implementing interferometer feedback &/or compensation tables.
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