Simultaneous optical and ROSAT X-ray observations of the classical T Tauri star BPTauri ?

The classical T Tauri star BP Tauri has been simul- taneously observed with UBVRI high-speed photometry at a time resolution of 2 sec and with the ROSAT PSPC detector during ve nights. BP Tauri showed brightness variations on time scales ranging from nights to hours both in the optical and in the X-ray band, however, the night-to-night variations in the optical and X-ray spectral regions were not correlated. On one occasion, a short term optical event with an amplitude in Uo f 0 :05 m and a time duration of 1.2 hours occurred, with no corresponding increase in the X-ray count rate during the decay of the event. In conclusion, the observations show that there are no detectable correlations between the optical and X- ray variability of BP Tau on time scales ranging from 1 hour to days. We discuss the possibility that the optical variability of BP Tau is related to accretion of circumstellar material onto the central star, while the X-ray emission presumably comes from magnetically active regions.
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