Improved technologies for sustaining productivity and profitability of sheep in India-A Review

In India, grazing lands are around 12 million hectares which constituted the main grazing resources for the huge livestock population (512.05 million). But the productivity of the grazing lands is low due to over grazing and poor management. There is urgent need to improve the productivity of community grazing lands through adaptation of improved technologies such as bush cleaning, re-sowing, grubbing unwanted weeds, burning, fencing, manuring, fertilization, sowing mixed stand of grasses and legumes, measures soil and water conservation, increase grazing period and plantation of fodder trees on grazing lands. The production of grazing lands can be increased through introduction of improved pastures species like Stylosanthesis hamata and Dinanath grass (Pennisetum pedicillium). Intensive feeding of weaner lambs will give higher returns as compared to extensive rearing systems. Enrichment of poor quality roughages can be done with urea treatment. During the scarcity of green fodder complete feed can be developed by using Cenchrus straw (38.6%), dried ardu leaves (37%), wheat bran (14%), mustard cake (7.4%), common salt (1%) and mineral mixture (2%). Simple health management practices such as deticking and deworming can improve the flock performance significantly. Vaccination against various infectious diseases will reduce the morbidity and mortality in sheep. Modern techniques such as oestrus synchronization and early pregnancy diagnosis through using of ultra sound scanner can be used for increasing the reproductive performances. Generally, shepherds follow the traditional techniques of wool shearing. Therefore, improved wool shearing techniques should be adopted for getting higher wool production. The farmers should sell their produce through cooperative societies for fetching higher income and avoid exploitation by middlemen.
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