Social Wasps on Eugenia uniflora Linnaeus (Myrtaceae) Plants in an Urban Area

Social wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) of the subfamily Polistinae can be effectively in corporated into IPM systems for urban forestry. This study, conducted in Vicosa, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, in May 2011, identified species of this group foraging on Eugenia uniflora Linnaeus (Myrtaceae) plants. The study area was monitored once a week and data collected included daily activity pattern, diversity, dominance and overlap of temporal niches by social wasps. Data analysis revealed that E. uniflora plants were visited by 217 individuals of 16 species of the subfamily Polistinae. Foraging behavior of social wasps bore no relationship with sampling time, but overlap of temporal niche was high. Wasps were not observed damaging healthy fruits, but were probably searching for Lonchaeidae and Tephritidae larvae. This study highlights the need for conservation of predator diversity in order to provide a partial alternative to the environmentally de grading chemical pesticides currently used in urban forestry for pest control. Sociobiology An international journal on social insects
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