Dynamics of Microbial Shedding in Market Pigs during Fasting and the Influence of Alginate Hydrogel Bead Supplementation during Transportation

The shedding of foodborne pathogenic bacteria by food-animals can be affected by multiple factors, such as animal health, diet, stress, and environmental conditions. The practices that come with transport involve fasting, handling, mixing with unfamiliar pigs, and fluctuating temperatures. These practices, especially fasting and transport, can increase the microbial load in the feces of animals. The use of alginate hydrogels is a novel delivery system that can be a potential food safety intervention during transport to induce satiety and provide electrolytes to the animal’s system. This study sought to observe microbial shedding as affected by fasting and hydrogel bead supplementation during transport. Sixty market pigs were subjected to a 12 h fasting period and an additional 4 h transport period, in which a treatment group was fed hydrogel beads and a control group was not. Sampling points were before fast (BF), before transport (BT), and after transport (AT). Fecal samples were collected from every animal at each sampling point. Results from this study showed a significant increase in the concentrations of both Enterobacteriaceae and Escherichia coli between the before fast (BF) and after transport (AT) sampling points. However, no difference (p > 0.05) was found between the treatment (hydrogel) and control (no hydrogel) during transport. Moreover, no significant difference was found in the prevalence of Salmonella and E. coli O157:H7 at the three different sampling points, or between the treatment and control groups.
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