Anatomical characters and classification of acupoint

Objective To explore the essence of acupoints by studying its anatomical characteristics and classification.Methods Based on numerous previous anatomic researches of acupoints,an adult male and a female corpses infused with red rubber at the location of acupoints were selected in order to observe the level and sectional anatomy of the acupoints,especially the specificity of the known structural distribution of acupoints.Results ① The distribution of acupoints has two primary elements.Firstly,it is neurovascular bundles or connective tissue containing abundant nerves and blood vessels,which has the function of qi and blood infusion.It is considered as the acupoint kernel.Secondly,it is the cleft or the tunnel that formed by bones,muscles or fascia,which is also held as the acupoint shell.Different conditions of the human body can influence the opening and closing of the shell,control as well as regulate the function of the kernel so as to regulate the qi and blood circulation.② Based on anatomical characteristics,acupoints can be classified into 3 types: the type of cleft,the type of tunnel,and the terminal type.Points of the cleft and tunnel types can be mainly found in the twelve regular meridians which are composed of the kernel and the shell.The points of terminal type are on the Conception Vessel,the Governor Vessel and auricular point,the superficial fascia is the confluence of cerebro-spinal nerve terminal ramus and its concomitant vessels,and it is the site where the qi and blood of meridians distribute to the body surface.Conclusion Acupoints is the pore formed by bone,muscle or fascia where neurovascular bundles or connective tissue containing abundant nerves and blood vessels pass through and the position where the terminal branch of cranial and spinal nerves and their accompanying by blood vessels emerge and converge at the superficial layer of central body axis.Acupoints are the nodes and terminal point where the zang-fu organs and meridians and qi and blood infused to body surface.
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