This is a detailed description of how to prepare and submit a Final Paper to appear in the Proceedings of MATHMOD 2009, the Sixth International Vienna Conference on Mathemati- cal Modelling. After general remarks, shortly the usual contents for a final contribution for contri- bution types Regular paper, Special Session Regular Paper, and Short Paper are sketched. Main emphasis of this contribution is put on typesetting rules for the Final Paper, which are sup- ported by a Word template file and a TeX template file. In subsections general and special rules and formats for typesetting are introduced: paper format, title, organization of sections and subsec- tions, listings, figures, and table, mathematical formulas, special fonts, citations and references. Next, authors of MATHMOD 2009 contributions are informed, how to use the template files and how to prepare and submit a PDF version of their contributions correctly. For information of au- thors, the Copyright regulations and possibilities for post-conference publications are explained. As for MATHMOD 2009 publications, four abstracts are necessary, a further section tries to pre- vent further confusion by explaining aim, content, and other attributes of the four abstracts Sub- mission Abstract, Review Abstract, Proceedings Abstract, and Final Paper Abstract - the last be- ing these lines. The contribution concludes with examples for reference style. 1 General remarks Proceedings of MATHMOD 2009 are published in the series ARGESIM-Reports with ISBN 3-901608-25-7, in two volumes. Editors of MATHMOD 2009 Proceedings are I. Troch and F. Breitenecker. Papers accepted for presentation during MATHMOD 2009 will appear in the Conference Proceedings which will consist of two parts: • MATHMOD 2009 Proceedings Volume 1 is a printed Abstract Volume containing an abstract (sum- mary) of each contribution of ONE page length (Regular Paper, Special Session Regular Paper, Short Paper, Student Poster) - called Proceedings Abstract. • MATHMOD 2009 Proceedings Volume 2 is a CD with final contribution for Regular Paper, Special Session Regular Paper (all minimum 6 pages, maximum 12 pages) and Short Paper (4 pages) - called Final Paper. Therefore, authors are kindly requested to provide two PDF files, one containing the one sided Proceedings Abstract and the other containing the Final Paper. No editing or retyping will be done by the editors. Hence, typing or printing quality respectively must be excellent in order to allow for good reproduction. We strongly recommend that authors make use of the WORD template or TEX template, where all formats are correctly pre- defined. Moreover, authors are kindly requested to stick to the Copyright regulations as stated on the web site and given in Section 4. Furthermore, contributions to 6th MATHMOD Vienna will not only appear in the con- ference Proceedings, but also post conference publications are offered for contributions of excellent quality. Please note, that Proceedings Abstracts and/or Final Paper will be included in the conference Proceedings only, if all requirements are fulfilled:
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