Enhancing Role and Participation of Industry and Community for Sustainable E-Waste Recovery for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP): Case Study Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Malaysia rapid development has benefitted its people while continuously gain better quality of life and are now demanding modern and high technology lifestyle. For example, the subscription of hand phone and smartphone in 2004 was 12.3 million and increased to 42.3 million, while population of Malaysia in 2004 was 23,522,480 and in 2017 the population increased to 32,022,600. Life style and rapid growth of electronic products consumptions accelerated the generation of E-waste in Malaysia. The need to manage E-waste in a sustainable manner has created many challenges. One of the challenges is to educate and make individual or community to be more responsible and participate for sustainable E-waste management in Malaysia. A sustainable E-waste recovery is important for sustainable consumption and production (SCP) of electronic products. For this purpose a study was conducted to understand the readiness of key stakeholders to support for efficient E-waste recovery in Kuala Lumpur City. The study has identified key factors important for E-waste recovery to ensure sustainable production and consumption of electronic products. Survey was conducted with selected Kuala Lumpur community asking their understanding of E-waste and how they handle six types of E-waste namely televisions (CRT and LED/LCD), refrigerators, washing machines, air-conditioners and desktop computers. Almost 61% of the respondents understand the E-waste definition, and aware of E-waste impacts towards the environment and human’s health. The practice of E-waste recovery was found encouraging for the six E-wastes. The number of respondents recover or recycle LED/LCD TV (43.3%), CRT TV (50.8%), refrigerators (45.8%), washing machines (48.4%), air-conditioners (49.1%) and desktop computer (50.8%). Material flow analyses findings shows that there is a weakness in collection system, retailers capability are underutilized, household attitude lead to poor collections and low amount of household E-waste treated. While the strength of the existing E-waste recovery is a strong scrap collector’s influence and established E-waste recycling industry within and outside Kuala Lumpur. Findings from this study shows that there is a need to enhance participation and the practice of E-waste recovery especially among the community and consumers. Mechanisms and system which improve the existing systems and mechanisms for E-waste recovery in supporting SCP will requires industry commitment and participation with strong support from the consumers and government agencies.
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