Registration of 'CPCL 99-4455' Sugarcane

Research to develop ‘CPCL 99–4455’ (Reg. No. CV-142; PI 659802) sugarcane (a complex hybrid of Saccharum spp.) was initiated by the United States Sugar Corporation (USSC) and completed cooperatively by the USDA-ARS, the University of Florida, and the Florida Sugarcane League, Inc. CPCL 99–4455 was released to growers in Florida on 15 Dec. 2009. CPCL 99–4455 was selected from a cross of the USSC proprietary genotype CL 90–4643 × ‘CP 84–1198’ made at Clewiston, FL on 22 Dec. 1998. The female parent, CL 90–4643, has high yields of cane and sucrose but it is not used commercially by the USSC because of susceptibility to Sugarcane mosaic virus strain E. The male parent, cultivar CP 84–1198, has moderately high commercial recoverable sucrose (CRS) and cane yields and has been grown commercially on about 1–5% of Florida’s sugarcane acreage since 1996. CPCL 99–4455 is moderately resistant to smut (caused by Ustilago scitaminea Sydow & P. Sydow), brown rust (caused by Puccinia melanocephala H. & P. Sydow), orange rust (caused by Puccinia kuehnii E.J. Butler), leaf scald (caused by Xanthomonas albilineans Ashby, Dowson), and Sugarcane mosaic virus strain E. CPCL 99–4455 is expected to be used mostly on organic (muck) soils in Florida, where it had high CRS and acceptable yields of cane in our tests.
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