Data science as a language: challenges for computer science—a position paper

In this paper, I posit that from a research point of view, Data Science is a language. More precisely Data Science is doing Science using computer science as a language for datafied sciences; much as mathematics is the language of, e.g., physics. From this viewpoint, three (classes) of challenges for computer science are identified; complementing the challenges the closely related Big Data problem already poses to computer science. I discuss the challenges with references to, in my opinion, related, interesting directions in computer science research; note, I claim neither that these directions are the most appropriate to solve the challenges nor that the cited references represent the best work in their field, they are inspirational to me. So, what are these challenges? Firstly, if computer science is to be a language, what should that language look like? While our traditional specifications such as pseudocode are an excellent way to convey what has been done, they fail for more mathematics like reasoning about computations. Secondly, if computer science is to function as a foundation of other, datafied, sciences, its own foundations should be in order. While we have excellent foundations for supervised learning—e.g., by having loss functions to optimize and, more general, by PAC learning (Valiant in Commun ACM 27(11):1134–1142, 1984)—this is far less true for unsupervised learning. Kolmogorov complexity—or, more general, Algorithmic Information Theory—provides a solid base (Li and Vitanyi in An introduction to Kolmogorov complexity and its applications, Springer, Berlin, 1993). It provides an objective criterion to choose between competing hypotheses, but it lacks, e.g., an objective measure of the uncertainty of a discovery that datafied sciences need. Thirdly, datafied sciences come with new conceptual challenges. Data-driven scientists come up with data analysis questions that sometimes do and sometimes don’t, fit our conceptual toolkit. Clearly, computer science does not suffer from a lack of interesting, deep, research problems. However, the challenges posed by data science point to a large reservoir of untapped problems. Interesting, stimulating problems, not in the least because they are posed by our colleagues in datafied sciences. It is an exciting time to be a computer scientist.
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