Coherence and antibunching in a trapped interacting Bose-Einstein condensate

We present a model for the equilibrium quantum statistics of a condensate of repulsively interacting bosons in a two-dimensional trap. Particle correlations in the ground state are treated exactly, whereas interactions with excited particles are treated in a generalized Bogoliubov mean-field theory. This leads to a fundamental physical picture for the condensation of interacting bosons through an anharmonic oscillator ground state coupled to excited Bogoliubov quasiparticles in which the quantum number statistics of condensate particles emerges self-consistently. Below the Bose-Einstein condensation temperature, our model exhibits a crossover from particle bunching to Poissonian statistics and finally antibunching as the temperature is lowered or as the trapping area is decreased. When applied to Bose condensation of long-lived dressed excitons in a photonic band gap material, our model suggests that this system may serve as a novel tunable source for nonclassical states of light.
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