Alternative Roughage Sources Alternatif Kaba Yem Kaynakları

Ozet: Ulke hayvanciligimizin gelistirilmesinde cozulmesi gereken en onemli sorunlardan biri kaliteli, ucuz ve bol kaba yem ihtiyacinin duzenli olarak karsilanmasidir. Kaba yemler hayvancilikta vazgecilmez yem kaynaklaridir ve ulkemiz hayvanciliginda cok ciddi kaliteli kaba yem acigi oldugu bir gercektir. Hayvanlarimizin yem ihtiyaclarinin karsilanma-sina yonelik olarak, kaliteli kaba yem aciginin kapatilmasi hedeflenmelidir. Bu hedefe ulasabilmek icin, uretimini ve ka-litesini arttirabilecegimiz alternatif kaba yem kaynaklarinin kullanim olanaklari arastirilmalidir. Kuru ot, yesil yemler ve silaj gibi kaba yemlerin maliyetlerinin dusuk olmasi, hayvancilik isletmelerinin karliligini da artirmaktadir. Ulkemizde cok cesitli yem kaynaklari olmasina ragmen, kaba yem kaynagi olabilecek yem maddeleri sinirli duzeydedir. Genellikle alisilmis yemler hayvan tuketimine sunulmaktadir. Oysaki ruminant beslemenin vazgecilmezi olan kaba yemler icin, gelismis ulkelerde farkli kaba yem kaynaklarindan da yararlanilmaktadir. Bu durumun besleme fizyolojisine uygun ol-masi, kaliteli ve ucuz olmasi, daha pahali olan ve insan beslenmesinde de kullanilan yogun ya da kesif yemlerin hayvan beslemede kullanimini azaltmaktadir. Bu derlemenin amaci ulkemizde yetistirilen ve ruminant beslenmesinde alternatif kaba yem kaynagi olarak kullani-labilecek hayvan pancari, yem salgami, karamba, trinova, pirina, elma posasi ve silaji ile karabugday bitkisi gibi yem maddelerine ve kullanim olanaklarina deginmektir. Anahtar kelimeler: Alternatif kaba yem, Ruminant Alternative Roughage Sources Summary: One of the most important problems that are necessary to be solved in the development of the animal breed-ing in our country is the regular meeting of the quality, cheap and plentiful roughage needs. Roughages are indispensable forage sources in livestock, and it is the fact that there is the very serious quality forage deficit. The closing of qualities roughage deficit should be targeted in order to meet the feed needs of our animals. The usage facilities of alternative roughage sources who we can increase their production and quality should be investigated to reach to this target. The low cost of roughage such as dry grass, green fodder and silo feeds increases the profitability of livestock enterprises. Although there are wide varieties of feed sources in our country, the feed ingredients that may be roughage source are limited. The usual feeds are generally presented to the animal consumption. Whereas, different roughage sources as roughages that are indispensable of ruminant nutrition are used in the developed countries. That this case is suitable to feed physiology reduces the usage in animal nutrition of the intense or concentrated feeds used in the human diet. The aim of this study is to mention to the feed ingredients such as turnip, caramba, trinova, pomace, apple pulp and silage, buckwheat forage that can be used as alternative roughage source in ruminant nutrition, and that are grown in our country, and to their usage facilities.
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