La información financiera y bancaria oficial y la última crisis económica (1999-2012). El caso del Banco de España/The Official Financial and Banking Information and the last Economic Crisis (1999-2012). The Case of the Bank of Spain

La crisis economica y financiera que ha afectado durante los ultimos anos a gran parte de los paises desarrollados presenta rasgos diferenciales muy acusados en cada uno de ellos. En el caso espanol, la gestacion previa de la crisis vino impulsada por la introduccion del euro y la Politica Monetaria Europea aplicada por el Banco Central Europeo (BCE) que dieron la falsa sensacion de que teniamos asegurada en el futuro la estabilidad monetaria con bajos tipos de interes. Este proceso necesitaba de unos agentes que posibilitaran el apalancamiento de personas y empresas y, en este ambito, el sector financiero contribuyo a seguir avivando y ampliando el riesgo ante la carencia de medidas preventivas y con informacion insuficiente. El Banco de Espana, que seguia teniendo las competencias de regulacion financiera, no informo ni actuo hasta bien avanzada la crisis. En este articulo tratamos de explicar como se ha producido este proceso que ha generado que la crisis financiera espanola haya sido de mayor intensidad que en otros paises, eliminando a las cajas de ahorros y que dio lugar al rescate europeo de 2012. The economic and financial crisis that has affected most of the developed countries in recent years has very sharp differential characteristics in each of them. In the Spanish case, the previous gestation of the crisis was driven by the introduction of the euro and the European Monetary Policy applied by the European Central Bank (ECB) that gave the false sense that we had assured in the future monetary stability with low rates of interest. This process required intermediaries to leverage individuals and companies and, in this area, the financial sector contributed to further fueling and increasing risk in the absence of preventive measures and insufficient information. The Bank of Spain, which still had the powers of financial regulation, did not act until well into the crisis. In this paper we try to explain how this process has produced that has generated that the Spanish financial crisis has been of greater intensity than in other countries, leading to the elimination of the savings banks and the European funds rescue in 2012
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