Bridge Management in Europe (Brime)-Deliverable D14-Final Report

The report describes a project to develop a framework for a bridge management system (BMS) for the European road network that would enable the bridge stock to be managed on a rational basis and enable bridge maintenance to be optimised taking account of all factors affecting bridge management. These include: condition of the structure, load carrying capacity, rate of deterioration, effect on traffic, life of repairs and the residual life of the structure. The project, known as BRIME (Bridge Management in Europe), was undertaken by the national highway research laboratories in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Norway, Slovenia and Spain. It was 50% funded by the European Commission Directorate General for Transport, with balancing funds provided by the authorities responsible for the national road networks in the participating countries. Further details concerning the project are given in the other project deliverables and a brief overview is given on the TRL website. The research was undertaken in seven workpackages, six of which focused on the modules required to c reate a bridge management system. Each of these six workpackages was split into two stages; the first stage involved a review of the state of the art and an identification of the requiremetns for a BMS. The second stage involved developing guidelines for the various modules for the system. Under the seventh workpackage, existing systems were reviewed and the findings, together with the results from other workpackages,were used to develop the framework for a BMS. The first workpackage comprised a review of current methods used in Europe and North America for inspecting and assessing bridge condition. The second workpackage developed recommendations for methods to assess the load-carrying capacity of highway bridge structures. The objective of the third workpackage was to quantify the structural effects of material deterioration so that they could be incorporated into the assessment of load carrying capacity of bridges. The fourth workpackage was concerned with predicting the rate of deterioration for the various processes, for which there are currently two approaches. The first uses historical data to predict future performance while the second attempts to model the various deterioration processes. Under the fifth workpackage, the objective was to develop a methodology for selecting the best maintenance option for a given bridge, considering safety, durability, funcitonality and socio-economic issues. This was taken further in workpackage six with the development of methods for determining an optimum maintenance strategy. The seventh workpackage was to produce a framework for a bridge management system. A review was undertaken of the requirements for a bridge management system for the European Road Network. This was then used in conjunction with the results from workpackages 1 to 6 to produce a framework for a bridge management system that would operate at both project level and network level. Project level information is related to individual bridges, elements or components and is important for specifying the maintenance requirements and retrieving data about particular bridges. Network level information relates to the entire bridge stock or to subsets of the stock, such as all the bridges in a given region. Network level information is important for determining whether the average condition of bridges in the stock is improving or deteriorating and for estimating the value of the budget needed in order to maintain the condition of the network at an acceptable level. (A)
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