Mechanism of electron transport and bipolar resistive switching in lead oxide thin films

In this paper, we report a model that interprets the mechanism of bipolar resistive switching in thin metal oxide layers as a purely electronic process. Based on the experimental results, we find that the main transport mechanism in our compensated highly resistive semiconductor is related to space-charge-limited current traps. The S-shaped I–V characteristics of the structure layers of Pt/PbO/Pt with stable bipolar resistive switching demonstrate filamentary charge carrier injection in the bulk of the film. This leads to the formation of conductive filamentary areas in the metal-oxide film. We associate the transition from the high resistive state to the low resistive state (SET process) with the trap-filling limit being reached in the local conductive filamentary area, accompanied by the transition of this area to a state with a high degree of degeneracy. The stability of the conductive filament is provided by the potential barrier formed on the border with the main volume of the lead oxide compensated ...
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