Unusual Presentation of Nasal Foreign Bodies

Sir .—Every day, foreign articles are placed in the noses of children. Occasionally, nasal foreign bodies are present for several days without recognition. Such children may present with unilateral purulent rhinorrhea, pain, or a pattern suggestive of sinusitis. Though uncommon, generalized foul body odor has been associated with nasal foreign bodies. Patient Reports .—Patient1.—A 3-year-old girl presented with epistaxis after sustaining a direct blow to her nose. No fracture was identified roentgenographically, and symptomatic care was prescribled. She returned seven days later with an offensive odor. She had no rhinorrhea or epistaxis. Inspection of the right nasal passageway revealed a piece of lodged tissue paper. The mother suspected the baby-sitter had placed the tissue paper to control nasal bleeding. The odor disappeared the day after removal. Patient2.—A 3-year-old girl presented three days after the first patient with a nose injury and foul body odor. Results of the physical examination were normal, and the odor could not be localized. No treatment was suggested, and the child was observed. Seven days later, she returned with increasing body odor and slight unilateral rhinorrhea. A 1-cm cube of foam rubber was removed from her right
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