Neutral particle analysis in MeV energy range and relative role of and ions in fast proton neutralization in ICRF and combined ICRF/NBI-heated JT-60U plasmas

A neutral particle analyser of MeV energy range has been used to measure atomic hydrogen fluxes in ICRF and combined ICRF+NBI-heated JT-60U plasmas. Successful application of a pulse height analysis system to separate the particle signal from a noise produced by DD neutrons and -rays is demonstrated. The energy dependence of the neutron sensitivity and energy resolution of the NPA detectors are comparable with calibration data. Charge exchange on and ions is considered as the dominant process for neutralization of fast ICRF-driven protons. A simplified model based on analysis of the steady-state ion balance equation system is applied to estimate and target densities. Model calculations are used to interpret the observed difference for the relatively low (E 0.6 MeV) energy parts of the atomic hydrogen spectrum. It is confirmed that the model calculations can well explain the dependence of the atomic fluxes on the relative toroidal angle between the injected beam and the analyser, and the energy dependence of the flux ratio between `active' (ICRF + NBI) and `passive' (ICRF alone) phases. The role of the charge-exchange target effect in the plasma density scan is also discussed.
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