Przedsiębiorstwo społeczne elementem współczesnego ładu gospodarki kapitalistycznej

The purpose of the article is to indicate the emerging processes of moderncapitalism. A feature of modern capitalism is the long-term persistence of the structuraloversupply of production. Consequently, the existence of an economic surplusleads to a structural imbalance between production capacity and consumption limits. In rich and medium affluent societies, we observe a kind of capital shift from direct productive investments into the sphere of services to ensure the marketability of manufactured products (marketing with aggressive advertising and promotion, consumer service, shaping consumption patterns, etc.). However, social sciences increasingly recognize the need for human empowerment in socio-economic processes. The current age confirms the above revolutionary statements. We are observing the humanization of economics. It is multifaceted, while the condition for socializing capitalism at the macroeconomic level is shaping the order and such qualitative changes are possible to pabe implemented in a holistic perspective in the long term. In the theoretical but also practical aspect, socialization full of capitalism occurs when the social enterprise operates in the prosocial ordoliberal order. At the microeconomic level, the social enterprise plays the role of humanizing the economy.nces in the economic lives of regions and the world caused by the coronavirus epidemic.
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