Topological Optimization of Isotropic Material using Optimal Criteria Method

Topology optimization mainly comprises of a mathematical approach that optimizes the layout within a g iven design constraints, for a given set of loads and boundary condition suc h that the performance matches with the prescribed set of performance targets. Topological optimization solve the problem of distr ibuting a given amount of material in a design doma in subjected to load and supports conditions, such that the compliance of th e structure is minimized while the stiffness of str ucture is maximized. In topology optimization several approaches based on a density-like function were proposed, but resulted in optimization models with rather large number of design variable. An att ractive alternative is optimal criteria method. Thi s paper represents the optimal criteria method for topological optimization of iso tropic material under different loads and boundary conditions with the objective to reduce mass of an existing material and study th e different shape obtain by varying the mesh densit y of a structure. This paper work represents topological optimization for static loading using finite element solver ANSYS. APDL (ANSYS Parametric Design Language) has been employed for utilizing the topological optimization capabilities of commonly used finite element solver ANSYS. 8 node 82 elements are used to model and mesh the isotropic material in ANSYS.
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