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Regional drug information service.

Background: Drug information centers (DICs) were established in Europe more than two decades ago. The majority of German DICs were created in the 90s. The regional University hospital-based DIC, which offers services to physicans, is now in operation for three and a half years. Objective: To evaluate the types of enquiries received and the profile of the users of a drug information service. Methods: The working procedure at a regional center in Dresden, Germany, is described. The topics for consultation (adverse reactions, pharmacokinetics, etc.) are presented, and the types of drugs involved are classified according to the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification. Users are grouped by medical specialty. Future plans for the DIC are discussed. Results: A total of 516 enquiries were received. Questions concerning therapeutic use (34%), adverse drug reactions (28%), pregnancy/lactation (16%), and pharmacokinetics/dosage (15%) were asked most frequently. Cardiovascular drugs (20%), systemic antiinfectives (19%) as well as drugs targeting the central nervous system (15%) and alimentation/metabolism (9%) were the predominant foci of enquiries. The major users of the DIC were internists (19%), general practitioners (19%), pediatricians (18%), and gynecologists (11%). Conclusions: The types of questions and users of this service were generally similar to those recorded at many other European DICs. The service has begun producing educational bulletins on drug-related topics of clinical relevance.
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