Simulation Study of Breast Tissue Hemodynamics During Pressure Perturbation

We simulated the effects of compression of the breast on blood volume and tissue oxygenation. We sought to answer the question: how does the compression during breast examination impact on the circulatory systems of the breast tissue, namely blood flow, blood pooling, and oxygen concentration? We assumed that the blood was distributed in two compartments, arterial and venous. All the parameters were expressed with oxy- and deoxyhemoglobin quantities and were measured with a non-invasive method, Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS). The simulated data showed that the blood volume pool in the breast decreased due to lower arterial flow and higher venous outflow, as the breast was squeezed under 100 cm H2O with a 10 cm diameter probe (or 78 cm2). The blood volume was reversed when the pressure was released. The breast venous oxygen saturation dropped, but overall tissue saturation (presenting NIRS signal, volume weighted average saturation) was increased. The results showed that simulation can be used to obtain venous and average oxygen saturation as well as blood flow in compressed breast tissues.
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