Augmented Reality Assisted Instrument Insertion and Tool Manipulation for the First Assistant in Robotic Surgery

In robotic-assisted laparoscopic surgery, the first assistant (FA) stands at the bedside assisting the intervention, while the surgeon sits at the console teleoperating the robot. Tasks for the FA include navigating new instruments into the surgeon’s field-of-view and passing in or retracting materials from the body using hand-held tools. We previously developed ARssist, an augmented reality application based on an optical see-through head-mounted display, to aid the FA. In this paper, we refine the system and first perform a pilot study with three experienced surgeons for two specific tasks: instrument insertion and tool manipulation. The results suggest that ARssist would be especially useful for less experienced assistants and for difficult hand-eye configurations. We then perform a multi-user study with inexperienced subjects. The results show that ARssist can reduce navigation time by 34.57%, enhance insertion path consistency by 41.74%, reduce root-mean-square path deviation by 40.04%, and reduce tool manipulation time by 72.25%. Thus, ARssist has the potential to improve efficiency, safety and hand-eye coordination, especially for novice assistants.
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