Severe bleeding in a woman heterozygous for the fibrinogen γr275C mutation

The dysfibrinogen γR275C can be a clinically silent mutation, with only two out of seventeen cases in the literature reporting a hemorrhagic presentation, and four cases reporting a thrombotic presentation. We describe here a particularly severe presentation in 54-year-old female patient who required a hysterectomy at 47 years of age due to heavy menstrual bleeding. Coagulation studies revealed a prolonged prothrombin time and thrombin time, a normal fibrinogen antigen level, and a low fibrinogen activity level. Molecular analysis of the patient’s DNA revealed a γ chain gene mutation resulting in an amino acid substitution at residue 275 (γR275C). Protein sequencing of the fibrinogen γ chain confirmed this mutation, which was named Fibrinogen Portland I. This case demonstrates that the γR275C mutation can lead to a severe hemorrhagic phenotype.
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