Computer-Assisted Exploration in a Deltaic Environment: ABSTRACT

Oil and gas exploration in a deltaic environment is complicated by apparent erratic sand distribution. The structure and isopachous maps, normally so useful to the explorationist, are often of little use by themselves in locating prospective drill sites. The relationships of source beds, reservoirs, and sealing beds are of far greater importance in identifying prospective areas. The shallow Wilcox Group in central Louisiana was used in this study. The section is relatively unfaulted and thickens gradually basinward. Several good correlation horizons enabled the study team to subdivide the section into relatively thin intervals and to examine the development of sand distribution through time. These data together with the present-day occurrence of hydrocarbons in these intervals were the primary criteria used in establishing potentially prospective areas. Due to the large number of wells and the numerous producing zones in the study area, it was impossible to manually generate the statistics, maps, and cross sections needed within a reasonable time. As a result, most graphic and statistical output was generated by the computer. End_of_Article - Last_Page 594------------
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