Metamizole use among hispanics in Miami: Report of a survey conducted in a primary care setting

Background: Metamizole (dipyrone) is a myelotoxic, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent that has been banned from the US market since 1979. However, dipyrone may be purchased in some areas of the US. We conducted a survey in a primary care setting in Miami, Florida to determine the prevalence of metamizole possession and use among Hispanics living in this area. Methods: Participants consisted of 137 Hispanic outpatients interviewed consecutively during a primary care visit in the month of February 2005. Results: Metamizole was possessed by 28% of the surveyed population. The most common reasons for using dipyrone were pain (72%) and fever (24%). The vast majority of patients had purchased the medication in Latin America (95%), in most instances without a prescription (95%). Nineteen patients (13%) had used the medication during the previous year. Conclusions: Metamizole is available to Latino immigrants who reside in the US, despite the FDA ban imposed in 1977.
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