How shearwaters prey. New insights in foraging behaviour and marine foraging associations using bird-borne video cameras

Conventional bio-logging techniques used for ethological studies of seabirds have their limitations when studying detailed behaviours at sea. This study uses animal-borne video cameras to reveal fine-scale behaviours, associations with conspecifics and other species and interactions with fishery vessels during foraging of a Mediterranean seabird. The study was conducted on Scopoli's shearwaters (Calonectris diomedea) breeding in Linosa island (35°51′33″ N; 12°51′34″ E) during summer 2020. Foraging events were video recorded from a seabirds' view with lightweight cameras attached to the birds' back. Foraging always occurred in association with other shearwaters. Competitive events between shearwaters were observed, and their frequency was positively correlated to the number of birds in the foraging aggregation. Associations with tunas and sea turtles have been frequent observations at natural foraging sites. During foraging events, video recordings allowed observations of fine-scale behaviours, which would have remained unnoticed with conventional tracking devices. Foraging events could be categorised by prey type into “natural prey” and “fishery discards”. Analysis of the video footage suggests behavioural differences between the two prey type categories. Those differences suggest that the foraging effort between natural prey and fishery discards consumption can vary, which adds new arguments to the discussion about energy trade-offs and choice of foraging strategy. These observations highlight the importance of combining tracking technologies to obtain a complete picture of the at-sea behaviours of seabirds, which is essential for understanding the impact of foraging strategies and seabird-fishery interactions.
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