Initial Growth Performance of Melia composita Willd and Emblica officinalis Gaertn Based Agri-Silvi-Medicinal Agroforestry in Degraded Lands

An experiment was conducted on agri-silvi-medicinal agroforestry in degraded lands at Naukragrant, Haridwar (Uttarakhand) and Handesra, Mohali (Punjab) during 2011-13. Six months aged seedlings of Melia composita and Emblica officinalis were planted at 6 x 4 m spacing and medicinal plants namely Rauvolfia serpentina and Withania somnifera were cultivated at 60 x 60 cm spacing as an intercrop along with seasonal agriculture crops like masoor and groundnut. Soil pH organic carbon and available nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and height and collar diameter of Melia composita and Emblica officinalis were observed. Initially, soil was slightly alkaline with pH values (8.20 and 8.18) at sites Naukragrant and Handesra respectively. The average soil pH was found neutral (7.18) at site Naukragrant and slightly alkaline (8.01) value showed at site Handesra after one year of plantation. The organic carbon, available nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) values indicates increases at both sites and highest values found at site Naukragrant as compared to site Handesra. The growth parameter both of height and collar diameter of Melia composita and Emblica officinalis showed increase along with cultivation of agriculture crops and medicinal plants at both sites. The maximum increase in height (47.33 cm) and collar diameter (3.89 cm) of Melia composita with agriculture crops was observed at site Naukragrant in comparison of height and collar diameter in control plot. Similarly the maximum increase in height (29.67 cm) of Emblica officinalis with Sarpgandha at site Handesra and collar diameter (1.78 cm) of Emblica officinalis with Ashwagandha was observed at site Naukragrant with regard to height and collar diameter in control plot. The minimum increase in height (1.11 cm) of Emblica officinalis with agriculture crops at site Naukragrant and (1.89 cm) of Melia composita with agriculture crops at site Handesra with regard to control height was also observed. It may be due to closer competition in nutrients uptake by agricultural crops in comparison to control.
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