Sağlık Haberlerinde Korku Yaklaşımı Çerçevesinde Kodlanan Covid-19 Haber Fotoğraflarının Analizi

After the discovery that news photographs are a powerful propaganda material that can be used to create the desired effect and manipulation in the social field, the content of photographs used in health news has started to change. In this study, it has been investigated how horror elements are embedded in news photographs, and to what extent they are used to influence the behavior of societies. First of all, all images were discussed in three groups according to the level of the horror element used. The photographs were selected based on the determination of three important and independent variables developed: "fear", "perceived threat", and "perceived efficacy". The photographs selected according to the classification were analyzed through semiology, which is one of the qualitative research methods, in the second stage of this research. The photographs were analyzed in terms of myth, code, metaphor, and metonym based on Roland Barthes' concepts of meaning and connotation. In the analysis, it was observed that the fear approach was frequently used. Health and illness were defined from a medical point of view, and solutions for health and illness were sought within this paradigm and within the healthillness opposition. (English) [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Haber fotograflarinin toplumsal alanda istenilen etkiyi yaratmada ve manipulasyonda kullanilabilecek guclu bir propaganda malzemesi oldugunun kesfinden sonra, saglik haberlerinde kullanilan fotograflarin da icerigi degismeye baslamistir. Bu calismada, korku ogelerinin haber fotograflarina nasil yerlestirildigi ve bunlarin toplumlarin davranislarini etkilemede ne olcude kullanildigi arastirilmistir. Oncelikle tum gorseller kullanilan korku ogesinin duzeyine gore uc grupta ele alinmistir. Fotograflar, "korku", "algilanan tehdit" ve "algilanan etkinlik" olmak uzere birbirinden bagimsiz degisken saptamasi uzerinden secilmistir. Yapilan siniflamaya gore secilen fotograflar, arastirmanin ikinci asamasini olusturan nitel arastirma yontemlerinden biri olan Gostergebilimsel olarak analiz edilmistir. Roland Barthes'in duzanlam ve yananlam kavramlari temel alinarak, fotograflar mit, kod, metafor ve metonim bakimindan da analiz edilmistir. Yapilan incelemede, korku yaklasiminin siklikla kullanildigi gorulmustur. Saglik ve hastalik tibbi bakis acisi ile tanimlanmakta ve saglik ve hastaliga iliskin cozum onerileri bu paradigma icerisinde ve saglik-hastalik karsitligi icerisinde aranmaktadir. Bu karsitligin bir yansimasi olarak koronavirus hastaligi, olumu cagristirarak modern topluma ozgu korkular olarak verilmektedir. Koronavirus savasilacak dusman metaforu ile birlikte verilirken, toplumu adeta istila eden biri olarak sunulmaktadir. Dolayisiyla toplum uzerinde onemli etkiye sahip oldugu bilinen medyanin, tum dunyada yayilan salginin onunu kesmek, kamuoyunda bilinc olusturmak uzere haber fotograflarinda korku yaklasimi kullanildigi, mesajlarin mitler, metaforlar, metonomi, semboller yoluyla olusturuldugu gorulmektedir. (Turkish) [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Copyright of Akdeniz Iletisim is the property of Akdeniz University, Faculty of Communication and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
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