Research on “Thought” of Observers of Physical Education

This research intends to clarify “the scope” and “the degree” of depth in observing physical education lessons by observers of the lessons. As the method of the research, 12 teachers in active service at public elementary schools in Osaka Prefecture and 3 graduate-school students majoring in physical education, 15 persons in total, were asked to keep VTRs under their chins when they observed the lessons and make voice of what came to mind in real time, and these simultaneous utterance protocols were collected as basic data. By putting the protocol data into cards and using the KJ method, we tried to converge the data into categories expressing of depth in observing the lessons.The essential categories are 3 of “announce”, “comment”, and “act”.“Announce” was defined to describe the arising facts without adding observers' impressions and opinions.“Comment” was defined to describe the value jugement of the observers (without indicating reasons and grounds).“Act” was defined to describe the value judgement with the reasons and grounds of it by the observers.Reliability of these categories was proved, by re-classifying the cards by third parties, the rate of 80% or more was obtained as the rate of coincidence with 3 researchers.As for the relationship between the 3 essential categories, comprehension relations are formed in which “announce” is comprehended into “comment”, and “comment” into “act”. When these comprehension relations are expressed schematically, they may be displayed as; facts value judgmentvalue judgment+reasons and grounds; and “announce”<“comment”<“act”.
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