Examination of the Astrophysical-Rate Variations of the Key Reactions in the rp-Process due to Mass Uncertainties

We report on the variations of the astrophysical rates due to mass uncertainties of the exotic nuclei in rp-process reactions. With the current mass precision obtained in the AME2016 database, only the 71Br(p, γ)72Kr and the 65AS(p, γ)66Se reactions have rate uncertainties of about 10% - 20% at T9 = 0.5 while the 61Ga(p, γ)62Ge, 61,64,65Ge(p, γ)62,65,66As, 68,69Se(p, γ)69,70Br, 69,70Br(p, γ)70,71Kr, and 75Rb(p, γ)76Sr reactions have large uncertainties of more than 50%. If an uncertainty of 10% at T9 = 1.0 is to be achieved, the mass precisions for the isotopes must be less than 10 keV. Evaluations of the photodisintegrations corresponding to proton captures and β+ decays of the waiting points, 64Ge and 68Se, indicate that the orientation of the nucleosynthesis at these waiting points is still unknown due to the large astrophysical rate variations because of the mass uncertainties of the 65As and the 69Br isotopes. The astrophysical rate variations corresponding to the mass precision levels at specific temperatures are presented in this work.
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