Teaching obstetrics and gynaecology on an online platform-Student perceptions of disruption in delivery

Introduction: The Covid-19 pandemic was a disruptor to teaching and learning activity in many medical schools all over the world. The pandemic resulted in the need to move rapidly to online platforms with a steep learning curve. Moving forward it appears likely that online teaching, learning and assessment will form a significant portion of delivery. Objective: The purpose of this study was to look at student perceptions towards online instruction and assessment in the obstetrics and gynaecology. Methods: This was a questionnaire based study. Results: A total of 113 completed questionnaires were received, 64.6% were female. 66.4% described themselves as average performers. Online teaching and learning was not acceptable as an adequate substitute, though many felt that there were better opportunities to achieve their learning outcomes and also to learn at their own pace. There was good interaction between them and the instructors during these sessions. In terms of instructor preparedness and availability as well as the clarity of instructions to prepare for these sessions the responses were positive. Students felt it was an appropriate platform for formative assessment. In terms of preparing for the future, the general perception was that this method of instruction should be retained. Students felt that it was an acceptable medium for teaching history taking but not adequate to teach examination and clinical reasoning. Conclusions: Online teaching and learning was a useful medium of instruction. It allowed paced learning and useful for formative assessment. It should be part of instructional methods moving forward.
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