Isolasi bakteri probiotik Lactobacillus sp dari usus ikan mas (Cyprinus carpio)

The objective of research was to isolate the probiotic bacteria from intestine of carp.  Isolation was performed by weighing 1 g of intestine, crushed and inserted in a reaction tube containing 9 mL of NaCl then centrifuged. Supernatant was taken and spread over the agar medium by scatter method. The bacteria-stocked medium was then incubated in an incubator at 28°C for 24-48 hours. The growing colonies were re-isolated on the agar medium to obtain pure colonies. The bacteria were then identified by morphological observation, resulting pigment and gram staining. Five nile tilapia (sized 8 – 10 cm) were used in pathogenicity test and placed in the aquarium. Fish were injected with 0.2 ml of Lactobacillus solution containing 1x10 7 CFU/mL via intraperitoneal injection. The results showed that the bacteria Lactobacillus sp had rod-shaped characteristics, white pigment and gram positive and  not pathogenic, which means it can be used as probiotic for aquaculture. Keywords : Lactobacillus sp, carp, probiotic, pathogenicity test
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