Immunohistochemical study of subclasses of olfactory nerve fibers and their projections to the olfactory bulb in the rabbit

The organization of the olfactory nerve projection to the olfactory bulb was studied immunohistochemically in the rabbit by using monoclonal antibodies (MAbs). Out of 42 MAbs raised against the homogenate of the olfactory bulb, two types of MAbs that strongly stained the olfactory nerve fibers (axons of olfactory receptor cells) were selected and their staining patterns were analysed in detail. MAbs of one type (represented by MAb R2D5) specifically labeled all olfactory receptor cells in the nasal epithelium and all olfactory nerve fibers and their terminal portions in the bulb. The other type of MAbs (represented by MAb R4B12) recognized only a subgroup of olfactory nerve fibers. The R41312-positive fibers were distributed over the ventrolateral areas but not in the dorsomedial areas of the epithelium. Similarly in the bulb, the R41312-positive fibers terminated in the glomeruli in the ventrolateral and the caudal regions but not in the dorsomedial region. These results demonstrate for the first time the cellular heterogeneity among olfactory receptor neurons at the molecular level. The segregated distribution of the subtypes of olfactory receptor cell axons both in the epithelium and the bulb indicates a defined topographical organization of the olfactory nerve projection. These results also suggest a functional division between dorsomedial and ventrolateral areas both in the epithelium and the bulb.
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