Investigations on the cell cycle of haploid and diploid tissue cultures of Datura innoxia Mill. and its synchronization

Using a 14C/3H double-labelling technique, the influence of kinetic on the length of the cell cycle of meristematic cells in haploid and diploid callus cultures of Datura innoxia was determined. The total length of the cell cycle of haploid cells as compared to that of diploid cells was reduced by 2.3 h (-kinetin) or 1.4 h (+kinetin). Furthermore, the addition of kinetin to the nutrient solution also reduces cell cycle duration at both ploidy levels. For synchronization of the cell cycle, a fluorodesoxyuridine/thymidine system was successfully employed. Apparently, the reduction of total cell cycle duration of cycling cells due to treatment with kinetin occurred at the expense of the G1phase. Nevertheless, kinetin seems to exert an influence on the transition of cells from the G2 into the M phase as well.
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