On the mechanism of fatigue crack growth in silicon nitride

The mechanism of fatigue crack growth in silicon nitride under the experimental conditions utilized is found to be of a cyclic nature, as contrasted to a form of static fatigue observed in some other ceramic systems. Conventional methods of analysis of the rate of fatigue crack growth in terms of ΔKeff are not applicable, because the results of the experimental portion of this investigation show that ΔKeff can decrease as the rate of fatigue crack growth increases. A mechanism which involves the formation of microcracks caused by a wedge effect which develops during the unloading portion of a cycle is discussed and evaluated. The wedge effect results from crack closure, which arises due to the roughness of the intergranular fracture surface as well as to debris trapped between the opposing fracture surfaces. In the proposed mechanism, the extent of crack advance per cycle is limited because of the decrease in stress intensity factor with crack advance in a given cycle associated with the wedge effect. The quantitative results of a semiempirical analysis of tests carried out in either air or vacuum are in agreement with some unusual experimental trends.
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