Ostwald-like ripening of the anomalous mesoscopic clusters in protein solutions.

Metastable clusters of mesoscopic dimensions composed of protein-rich liquid exist in protein solutions, both in the homogeneous region of the solution phase diagram and in the region supersaturated with respect to an ordered solid phase, such as crystals; in the latter region they are crucial nucleation sites for ordered solids. We monitor, using three optical techniques, the long-term evolution of the clusters in lysozyme solutions at conditions where no condensed phases, liquid or solid, are stable or present as long-lived metastable domains. We show that cluster formation is a reversible process and that the clusters are in near equilibrium with the solution, up to a capillary correction. In contrast to classical phase transformations, the solution concentration at cluster–solution equilibrium is close to its initial value; this is akin to chemical reaction equilibria and demonstrates the complex chemical composition of the clusters. However, similar to classical phase transformations, en route to ful...
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