Background: The Observational and Medical Outcomes Partnerships (OMOP) common data model (CDM) provides a framework for standardising health data. Objectives: To map national biologic registry data collected from different European countries to the OMOP CDM. Methods: Five biologic registries are currently being mapped to the OMOP CDM: 1) the Czech biologics register (ATTRA), 2) Registro Espanol de Acontecimientos Adversos de Terapias Biologicas en Enfermedades Reumaticas (BIOBADASER), 3) British Society for Rheumatology Biologics Register for Rheumatoid Arthritis (BSRBR-RA), 4) German biologics register ‘Rheumatoid arthritis observation of biologic therapy’ (RABBIT), and 5) Swiss register ’Swiss Clinical Quality Management in Rheumatic Diseases’ (SCQM). Data collected at baseline are being mapped first. Details that uniquely identify individuals are mapped to the person table, with the observation_period table defining the time a person may have had clinical events recorded. Baseline comorbidities are mapped to the condition_occurrence CDM table, while baseline medications are mapped to the drug_exposure CDM table. This mapping is summarised in Figure 1. Results: A total of 64,901 individuals are included in the 5 registries being mapped to the OMOP CDM, see table 1. The number of unique baseline conditions being mapped range from 17 in BSRBR-RA to 108 in RABBIT, while the number of baseline medications range from 26 in ATTRA to 802 in BSRBR-RA. Those registries which captured more comorbidities or medications generally allowed for these to be inputted as free text. Conclusion: Due to differences in study design and data capture, the baseline information captured on comorbidities and drugs across registries varies greatly. However, these data have been mapped and mapping biologic registry data to the OMOP CDM is feasible. The adoption of the OMOP CDM will facilitate collaboration across registries and allow for multi-database studies which include data from both biologic registries and other sources of health data which have been mapped to the CDM. Disclosure of Interests: Edward Burn: None declared, Lianne Kearsley-Fleet: None declared, Kimme Hyrich Grant/research support from: Pfizer, UCB, BMS, Speakers bureau: Abbvie, Martin Schaefer: None declared, Doreen Huschek: None declared, Anja Strangfeld Speakers bureau: AbbVie, BMS, Pfizer, Roche, Sanofi-Aventis, Jakub Zavada Speakers bureau: Abbvie, UCB, Sanofi, Elli-Lilly, Novartis, Zentiva, Accord, Marketa Lagova: None declared, Delphine Courvoisier: None declared, Christoph Tellenbach: None declared, Kim Lauper: None declared, Carlos Sanchez-Piedra: None declared, Nuria Montero: None declared, Jesus-Tomas Sanchez-Costa: None declared, Daniel Prieto-Alhambra Grant/research support from: Professor Prieto-Alhambra has received research Grants from AMGEN, UCB Biopharma and Les Laboratoires Servier, Consultant of: DPA’s department has received fees for consultancy services from UCB Biopharma, Speakers bureau: DPA’s department has received fees for speaker and advisory board membership services from Amgen
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