Shock layer shattering of cloud drops in reentry flight

Device for measuring tension in web-type materials such as tape, cloth, paper, felt, plastic film and the like which are under tension load, the device including three substantially parallel elongated rods carrying rotatively mounted sleeves for engaging the surfaces of the web-type material, the center rod being a load feeler member extending from the deflection portion of a load deflection beam which incorporates means for measuring the beam deflection in terms of tension in the web-type material, the other two rods being reference members on respective sides of the feeler member and rigidly fixed to a reference plate which is adjustable in perpendicular relation to the plane of the web-type material to compensate for thickness of the web-type material whose tension is being measured. The rotatively mounted sleeves are tapered at the ends farthest from the load deflection beam to facilitate edgewise insertion onto the surfaces of the material for making the tension measurement. Edgewise insertion may also be facilitated by separation of the reference sleeves with respect to the feeler sleeve in perpendicular relation to the web-type material by adjustment of the reference plate.
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