La intencion principal de este trabajo ha sido generar un inventario digital de datos geograficamente referenciados, y disenar a partir de este, un Sistema de Informacion Geografica (SIG) especializado para su utilizacion en el Sector Transporte, denominado Sistema de Informacion Geoestadistica para el Transporte (SIGET). El objetivo central del SIGET es disenar, estructurar e implantar un sistema informatico eficiente, versatil y sencillo para el registro, analisis y representacion de la informacion geografica y estadistica asociada al sistema de transporte mexicano. El SIGET es una respuesta a la demanda del sector transporte de contar con informacion precisa y actualizada sobre la localizacion, condiciones y caracteristicas de la infraestructura, que apoye la toma de decisiones de los responsables de la planeacion, gestion y operacion del sistema de transporte en Mexico, con base en el manejo interrelacionado de las bases de datos estadisticos en su expresion territorial, desde un ambiente grafico de facil manejo, con funciones diversas de consulta y despliegue visual, analisis espacial y representacion cartografica. El trabajo presenta las conclusiones obtenidas y las figuras correspondientes, asi como la bibliografia utilizada para su realizacion. Abstrac: At present the processes of planning, organization, management and evaluation of the transport, demand efficient systems of handling and analyzing information, in terms of speed of processing, storage capacity, versatility and reliability. In answer to the demand of the transport sector to obtain precise and up-to-date information about the location, conditions and characteristics of the infrastructure and the associated features available for the activity, the Mexican Transport Institute in conjunction with the thirty-one Centers of the Ministery of Communications and Transport (SCT) gathers the information for the Transport Infrastructure National Inventory (INIT), initial phase and platform for departure of the Geostatistics Transport Information System (SIGET), through the use of Global Positioning System (GPS) receptors, for the generation of geographical information relevant in the field and of a Geographic Information System (GIS) for its processing later. The objective of INIT deals with the generation of digital records which contain georeferenced information about the outline of more than 95,000 km of paved highways and more than 160,000 km of rural roads in Mexico, plus a series of attributes related to the highway infrastructure (bridges, culverts, and service stations among others). The practical utility of the resultant information is pointed out and potential applications of SIGET are identified, derived from the advantages offered by their management In a GIS. On the other hand, to systematize the registration and to bring up-to-date the georeference information related to transport and its infrastructure, in order to develop a methodological and conceptual schema for utilization of SIGET in the various bodies within the SCT.(A)
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